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Web UI


The Lighthouse Siren Web UI uses https with self-signed certificates. To use it, add siren.yml to COMPOSE_FILE in .env, and if you are not going to use traefik, add siren-shared.yml as well. It is then reachable on port 2443 by default. The port can be adjusted in .env.


The Prysm Web UI is insecure http, which means an SSH tunnel should be used to access it if your node is on a cloud VPS.

If you wish to expose the Web UI across the network, which also exposes the key management UI, you can add prysm-web-shared.yml to your COMPOSE_FILE in .env.

If you wish to only expose the Web UI to localhost and then use either a browser on the host or an SSH tunnel, you can add validator-keyapi-localport.yml to COMPOSE_FILE in .env.

Prepare the validator client

The Web UI can be used to import keys and create a wallet, but we also need the password for this wallet while starting the validator. To get around this chicken-and-egg problem, you can run ./ethd cmd run --rm create-wallet now and choose the wallet password you will use during the Web UI Wallet Creation.

This password needs to be at least 8 characters long and contain both a number and a special character. The script that stores the password here does not enforce that, but the Web UI does.

Either way, once you are done, run ./ethd up to start the Prysm consensus client and validator.

Connect to the Web UI

You need the Web UI secret first. It is shown during startup in the validator client log. You can also run ./ethd keys get-api-token to get it.

The first time you connect to the Web UI, you'll want to use http://IP:7500/initialize?token=THETOKEN, replacing IP and THETOKEN with the actual IP address and access token.

If your node is on a local, protected LAN, you can access the Web UI on a browser from any machine on your network via the node's IP address, if you use prysm-web-shared.yml.

If the node is running on a cloud VPS, you'll want to use validator-keyapi-localhost.yml to restrict access to just localhost, then open an SSH connection and tunnel the port used by the Web UI.

Example ssh command:

ssh -L 7500:<host>:7500 <user>@<host>

where <host> is the name or IP address of the node.

Placing this into an alias or shell script can make life easier.

Once the SSH tunnel is open, in a browser, open You'll be prompted for a web password, which doesn't yet exist, and there may be an option to "Create a Wallet" if you did not do so from command line.

Note this is insecure http. The SSH tunnel encrypts the traffic.

Import keys

Assuming you have some keystore-m JSON files from ./ethd cmd run --rm deposit-cli-new --execution_address YOURHARDWAREWALLETADDRESS or some other way of creating Launchpad compatible keys, click on "Create a Wallet".

These files are in .eth/validator_keys if you used the deposit-cli workflow. You'll want to move them to the machine you are running the browser on.

Choose to "Import Keystores". Select the keystore-m file(s), provide the password to the keystore, choose whether to import slashing protection data, and Continue.

Set the wallet password. If you chose to store the wallet password with the validator in a previous step, make sure it matches here: This is the step where you actually create the wallet with that password.

Continue and you will find yourself inside the Web UI, which will show you the consensus client syncing. Once sync is complete, you will also see validator information.

Optional: Verify that wallet password was stored correctly

If you chose to start the validator with a stored wallet password, verify that it was stored correctly by running these commands, one at a time:

./ethd restart
./ethd logs -f validator

You'll need to navigate to the root of the Web UI and log in again after the restart.