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Eth Docker QuickStart

Warnings about the dangers of running Ethereum staking full nodes are in
In particular, you must be sure to secure your seed phrase, the mnemonic. You need it to recreate keys, and to set a withdrawal address, if you didn't already do so during key creation.

Hardware, resource use

Take a look at some build ideas and consider clients' resource requirements

Eth Docker QuickStart

For a rapid start, have Ubuntu or Debian Linux installed, and then follow these steps. This has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 and Debian 11/12.

Download Eth Docker

cd ~ && git clone && cd eth-docker

Install pre-requisites such as Docker

./ethd install

Configure Eth Docker - have an Ethereum address handy where you want Execution Layer rewards to go

./ethd config

Start Eth Docker

./ethd up

The same script can also be used to stop, start and update the node. Run ./ethd for a help screen.

Note that Docker will restart running clients automatically after a reboot. They will remain stopped if you stopped them with ./ethd stop or equivalent Docker commands.

All your settings are in .env and can be viewed and edited with nano .env. You can also re-run ./ethd config at any time.

Next steps

If you are going to run a validating node, create and import keys.

Forward the P2P ports that the clients use.

Consider your Linux security

Deposit your 32 ETH using the official Staking Launchpad.

Advanced use

macOS requires manual installation of Docker Desktop.

Explore the sidebar for advanced options. In particular, you can integrate with RocketPool, run an SSV operator node, or run an RPC node with either locally shared RPC/WS ports or these ports secured by Traefik and https.

Additional resources

Youtube Channel
Security Best Practices